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Accessoires inspection cameras

Accessoires inspection cameras are useful  for remote visual inspection cameras.

Accessoires inspection cameras

Sonde locator for sewer cameras
The locator for sewer cameras vLoc3-Cam is the easiest-to-use probe locator on the market. The waterproof bright colour screen with depth display uses directional arrows to guide the user quickly and easily to the sonde of the sewer camera. As a result, the vLoc3-Cam is capable of locating probes from the leading push and drive cameras on the market quickly and easily. With this, vLoc3-Cam, locating system it is also possible to trace power lines, CATV, telephone lines and the pushcable itself (using optional transmitter).
Pipe trace transmitter VM-550FF
Using the pipe trace transmitter VM-550FF, pipes can be located using the cleaning spring or push rod of a sewer camera. After the cable of the push camera system is inserted, the location of the pipe (push rod) can be traced in combination with the locating system, vLoc3-Cam.
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